WaterNymph Tank Off-Take System - Floating Tank Outlet 
WaterNymph is a Floating Tank Outlet, Pump Suction and Filtration method that does not need replacing once installed. It comes with a 10 year guarantee. You save money by getting the best cleanest sediment free water from your tank giving you top quality water to use in your home protecting pumps, appliances and extending inline water filter life with healthier cleaner oxygen rich water to drink. Its operation is consistent with Australian Standards HB 230-2006 Rainwater Tank Design and Installation Hand Book -Rainwater Filtration in that it takes the water from just below the surface where water is the cleanest.
Drawing water the
conventional way from your water tank means more sediment to damage pumps, clog water filters, clog appliance filters in the home and
lower quality water to drink. Sediment in the base of water tanks is the major cause of water pump and appliance failure, filter clogging and reduction in drinking water quality.
WaterNymph comes with a standard 40 mm BSP Threaded Male fitting to thread into tank outlets with threaded outlets. If your tank has a different size outlet we supply a complementary fitting for outlet sizes from 20 mm to 50 mm. Please select your tank outlet size when ordering through the check out.
Need further information and help about ordering WaterNymph call us office hours on 1800 730 794

From the depiction of the typical water tank, be it plastic, steel, concrete or fibreglass you will see that when new water enters the tank it remains near the surface. There is very little water circulation in a tank apart from the slow removal of water from the bottom (as water is drawn off ) and the replenishment at the top by rainwater (or in some cases dam, stream or bore water fed in by gravity or a pump)
The WaterNymphTM is made from the best quality materials available, food grade plastic and stainless steel in its construction enabling us to offer a 10 year guarantee for installation in covered tanks. The robustness of its construction gives us confidence it will last many years longer than its guarantee.
WaterNymphTM fills a vital gap in the water tank filter accessories market and is certain to become a standard fixture on water tanks, big or small, in the future.
WaterNymph Installation
Please read the instructions that come with your WaterNymphTM carefully. Once your WaterNymphTM is correctly installed you won't need to touch it again.
Tank Water Level
The water level in the tank must be low enough to allow you to stand in and reach the outlet. If your tank is full it can be difficult to waste the stored water.
Other options could be:
- If you have more than one water tank you can transfer the water to another tank from the one in which you are installing the WaterNymphTM .
- Wait until the level is lowered from usage. Best to do the operation before rain is forecast.
This is also presents an opportunity to clean the tank.
You will need the following equipment:
Lower the ladder through the tank inspection hole and descend with the WaterNymphTM unit.
A torch will most likely be required to illuminate the tank outlet. If your tank has a standard size 40 mm outlet the WaterNymphTM can be screwed firmly straight into the Tank outlet.
If you have indicated a different size tank outlet fitting your WaterNymphTM will be supplied with an adaptor that can be screwed into your tank outlet.
Important Final Installation Step
The final step is to remove any air trapped in the WaterNymphTM by submerging it, starting at the bottom or tank outlet end and moving to the float end. Air is fully expelled when the unit is fully submerged, except for the float.
Your WaterNymphTM is now ready for operation.